Arkansas Arts Academy Elementary
No School- Student Led Conferences at School- Sign Up with your Teacher
School Board Meeting 6:00
Paper Pie Book Fair in Library
100th Day of School!
Reminder for all Families:
If you come to eat lunch with your child, you must check in with the front office and then sit at the family lunch table in the hallway. Only children who have you as an approved contact in our student information system are allowed to eat with you. No friends are allowed to eat with parents. Also, parents cannot eat in the cafeteria with all students. We do not have space and we do not have staff to manage extra people. Thank you for your help and cooperation.
Donuts with Grownups at 7:30
Valentines Parties
Paper Pie Book Fair in Library
Coming Up
2/15/2025: Archery Parent-Student Showdown
2/17/25: No School: Presidents' Day
2/26-27 3rd-6th: ATLAS Interim Testing
2/27/25: New Student Lottery Pulls
Our students and families were busy this week! Students visited Crystal Bridges to view their masterwork by Chihuly, 3rd grade visited Krispy Kreme to see behind the scenes to explore their concept of Process, AAA Archery made it to state by competing in a tournament in Alpena last weekend, and our 5th grade teachers prepared a masterwork experience for 5th grade by visiting 3 People, 4 Benches at Crystal Bridges.
We will see you Friday morning at 7:30 (correction from earlier) for Donuts with Grownups! You can also visit our Bookfair in the library when you are here on Tuesday for conferences or on Friday for Donuts with Grownups!
We will be adding more information about intersession camps available during our 2-week Spring Break from March 24-April 4. Here is one you can sign up for now! We will email, post, and share all of the other camps as we get them set up. More to come!
Our lottery is open now and closes on February 21. The lottery includes sign ups for our new pre-k classroom! The lottery will be pulled on February 27. Share this link: with your friends so they can sign up to join our school in 2025-2026!
Our wonderful PTA at AAA Elementary is preparing for their amazing annual Spring Carnival! Save the date and plan on coming to join in on the fun on March 14 from 5-8pm at the elementary.
Breakfast: $3.00, Lunch $4.00
Add money to your student's lunch account at or send a check or cash to the school for their account. Fill out our Free/Reduced Lunch form if you have not yet filled it out. Every application helps our school.
Lunch choices- Hotline, Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich, Turkey & Cheese Sandwich, or Ham & Cheese Sandwich