End of Quarter 2
Kids Heart Challenge Week
Arkansas Arts Academy Elementary
End of Quarter 2
Kids Heart Challenge Week
Quarter 3 Begins
School Board Meeting 6:30 @ HS
Come to the A3 Gallery! All K-6 Artwork!
*Remember- No School Monday for MLK Jr Day*
Flip Side Spirit Night to benefit AAA PTA 12:00-6:00
Coming Up:
January 16, 5-8pm: AAA Elementary Artful Learning at A3 Gallery downtown
January 20: No School, MLK Jr Day
January 21: Report Cards Come Home
January 23, 6-8pm: Artful Learning Open House @ Elementary, current and prospective families
Invite your friends and neighbors to join you at Open House. It is open to all current, past, interested, and prospective families!
Our lottery is open now and closes on February 21. The lottery includes sign ups for our new pre-k classroom! The lottery will be pulled on February 27. Share this link: with your friends so they can sign up to join our school in 2025-2026!
If you choose to eat lunch with your student, check into the office and wait at the family lunch table in the main hallway. Only children that have you as their guardian or emergency contact can eat with you. Friends are not allowed to eat with families unless they are listed with us as contacts.
Breakfast: $3.00, Lunch $4:00
Add money to your student's lunch account at or send a check or cash to the school for their account. Fill out our Free/Reduced Lunch form if you have not yet filled it out. Every application helps our school.
Lunch choices- Hotline, Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich, Turkey & Cheese Sandwich, or Ham & Cheese Sandwich