Final Bonus Days for Fundraiser
Arkansas Arts Academy Elementary
Final Bonus Days for Fundraiser
Reminder for all Families:
If you come to eat lunch with your child, you must check in with the front office and then sit at the family lunch table in the hallway. Only children who have you as an approved contact in our student information system are allowed to eat with you. No friends are allowed to eat with parents. Also, parents cannot eat in the cafeteria with all students. We do not have space and we do not have staff to manage extra people. Thank you for your help and cooperation.
HERD Heroes @ 8:15 & School Store
Coming Up
2/11/25: No School, Student-Led Conference Day
2/13/25 100s Day
2/14/25: Donuts with Grownups 7:15-7:45
2/14/25: Valentines' Day Parties
2/17/25: No School: Presidents' Day
Mrs. Chelsea Hale is joining us Monday as our English Language Development teacher. She has experience teaching all levels of ELD to elementary students. Read below to learn more about the newest member of our AAA Elementary Staff!
My name is Chelsea Hale. I am the ELD teacher here at the Arkansas arts, Academy. I previously taught fifth grade in Springdale Schools along with being the lead interventionist. I also taught first grade in Fayetteville schools, and was a general music/dance teacher in North Little Rock school district. I always have had a passion for teaching students of all backgrounds. I love sharing that passion with students who love to learn and create a positive and productive environment! I cannot wait to work with your students and help them have a successful year!
📣BONUS WEEK! 📣We are SO CLOSE to reaching our $15,000 goal that we decided to keep donating open for one more week on! Every contribution makes a huge impact on the lives of our students at Arkansas Arts Academy. Thank you for all of your support! 🙏❤️
Our students danced their hearts out on Friday to celebrate our great progress on our fundraiser! We are only $600 away from our goal of $15,000. If we reach our goal, we will get to make Dr. McGarrah into a human sundae!
Our lottery is open now and closes on February 21. The lottery includes sign ups for our new pre-k classroom! The lottery will be pulled on February 27. Share this link: with your friends so they can sign up to join our school in 2025-2026!
Our wonderful PTA at AAA Elementary is preparing for their amazing annual Spring Carnival! Save the date and plan on coming to join in on the fun on March 14 from 5-8pm at the elementary.
Breakfast: $3.00, Lunch $4.00
Add money to your student's lunch account at or send a check or cash to the school for their account. Fill out our Free/Reduced Lunch form if you have not yet filled it out. Every application helps our school.
Lunch choices- Hotline, Sunbutter & Jelly Sandwich, Turkey & Cheese Sandwich, or Ham & Cheese Sandwich